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My Million Dollar Bag

You know in movies there are huge bags for you to place all the huge sum of money? Well I have one too! And you know what, it is worth a lot of money and a lot of other potential money :P
I wonder how many millions can fit into this bag :O Maybe a couple :P

Huh? My million dollar bag seems to contain some rubbish! Alamaks! It looks like a bag that people carry to watch animals in the Safari! Aiyarrr!!!!

Well, they really look cheap! But I can open a shop with all of these! These items are freaking expensive, especially those at the bottom right. Why don't I show you the contents one by one?

Just some scrap paper I suppose. Nothing much

This is the fake Medical Certificates for you to escape your boss while you are busy watching birds.

A calculator to count how many birds flew by you in 24 hours

This is a torchlight for you to look at your equipment at night.

This is a pen and a mini Gameboy.

Well, I guess everyone know what this is. A must have tool!

This is a cool binoculars in red and blue and the cup like thing on top of it is the special whistle you blow to attract birds

This is the thing you use to test that drop of liquid that landed on your head. You want to know whether it is bird pee or just plain rain water just before you wipe it away with your bare hands.

These things work like a wind chime in case you don't know. The humming sound it makes attracts birds such as..err.. humming birds?

This is a wine glass. Best to be left chilled in your mini bar. If anyone out there can guess what this is, I give you a kiss! LOL. Exception would be of course those who already know what it is.

I don't know why you need to have a disposable mouthpiece while you are watching birds. But what the heck!

Some alcohol swab to tend to any injured birds on the road. The Glucostrip is some name to a striptease movie to entertain you along the way.

Some toys for your kids that you bring along.

Some funky and cool looking pens and rulers. Basic stationery you need to carry around as usual.

Books to read just in case you can't watch your favourite movie Glucostrip :P

This is the basic first aid item. Something to measure your temperature. Most accurate if you put it up your lowest orifice.

Another item for the kiddies. Books on learning numbers of course.

This is of course for looking at the birds la! Dhuh!

Well, that is the last of the items in my bag. Too bad it contains no cash. :( Well, why don't I start a quiz and see how many of you can identify the items correctly. Winner gets a free physical check up in a room which has a sunset view. How about it?

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