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Action Heroes And Zeroes: 1's + 0's

By: Guru Jay
Action Heroes

The best Action Heroes command a load of zeroes on their paychecks. Action is a big box office draw. Many Action Movies are rated PG-13. So, action movies often are nice family friendly films.

You will find many Action Heroes in our list of Top 10 Actors.  Action films require a high budget. It’s rare to see a low budget Action movie.

You know it takes money to make money. Think of Action flicks as an investment. Let’s say you bought Google stock.

Now, imagine buying stock in Bruce Willis like you would Google. You want to look at Bruce Willis as an investment. This is how the entertainment industry works.

I love action. You are hardly ever disappointed. Action Heroes have special stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. There is a strong bond between Action Heroes and Zeroes.

I vividly recall watching the original Robocop on several Saturdays. In the 90s, Robocop received massive syndication. Unfortunately, for the movie purist, TIVO was not invented yet.

You were forced to watch the commercials that came attached with the featured presentation. We did not mind the advertisements, because every now and again we needed popcorn and a can of Coke.

Technology still remains a major component of Action Movies. It’s a simple fact that Action makes movie executives billions of dollars. Bruce Willis is the ultimate Action Hero.

Look at the Die Hard franchise. As you will see, Willis has dominated decade after decade in the Action genre. Not very many other Action actors have lasted as long.

Bruce Willis is underrated. Although he earns a wad of zeroes, he is underpaid. As you may already know, Willis commanded a percentage of the Six Sense. He clearly made a calculated move.

Timing is everything in entertainment. Bruce Willis is a timeless actor. If you placed him in films from the fifties and sixties, he ‘d still be popular.

100 years from now, Bruce Willis films will still be popular. Mark my words. I can’t even express how much money Bruce Willis is worth. If you look anything like Willis, you’re welcome in Hollywood.