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Earth Day Freeze

5 minutes after reaching subang, got an sms from Ren asking if i'm going for the freeze thingy. seeing that i'm home early with nothing better to do, i agreed. got there like about 5 mins to 8pm - cool timing huh? :P anyways, met zoe n ren at LG2 near jusco.

oh guess what?? i found a way to take pics while doing the freeze!! LOL
(okay, this is so totally random..)


Ren & Zoe.
HAHA.. Ren is staring at his cracker like it's gonna jump out of his hand and eat him ><

the massive turnout

OMG. i look super chubby here! T___T
ps. the fact that i actually posted this up attest to my courage and bravery. haihz.

guess who i met? ^^

and then we walked around a little, thinking where to go for dinner. and knowing me and my indecisiveness, it ended up with the other 2 making the choice ><


yummylicious... with tons and tons of sugar!


1stly, that ain't me!!!

guess i can't blame her anyway. after all, she's "only 15...!!!"

lol.. i know what you're thinking:

"J.Co for dinner??? wan diabetes ar?"

haha. but truth is, i only ate 2 donuts k! and ren was sweet enough to belanja.. haha. so i guess its more of an 'appetizer' than 'dinner'.

walked with zoe to popular to look for her mum. she walked right in and *poof* disappeared. i was so scared that i lost her and she couldn't find her mum. like she herself said, she's 'only 15.. !!!' and i had this idea that suddenly there will be an announcement going:

"Attention shoppers! a 15 year old girl has been reported missing. she is about 5 feet 2 and is wearing a blue shirt. any information regarding her can be reported at the information counter. thank you"


oh yeah, this is also the day i stole accidentally took zoe's book home. sorry darling! i'll return it as soon as i can. ><

okay. its 6.55am and i'm done crapping for the day. my PD trip update next!

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