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"The thief is sorry he is to be hanged not that he is a thief."

WTF is wrong with folks who have the name O'Donnell here in A-merry-ca? This time it's Lawrence and not Christine I have to talk about.

Seems my liberal friend got into some hot water when he made -what some would consider- racially insensitive remarks about Hip Hop Mike.

"As the first congressional election during his party chairmanship approaches, Michael Steele is dancing as fast as he can trying to charm independent voters and Tea Partiers while never losing sight of his real master and paycheck provider, the Republican National Committee"

Ahhh Lawrence, you can't say that. Just because you are a liberal and we are ideological soul- mates don't ever believe that you can get away with saying the same ignorant s&^# that I have to call republicans and conservatives on. I can call Hip Hop Mike all kinds of names, but you can't. It's that simple. You will have to find another way to make your point.

For the record, I am not one of those black folks who believe that liberals are anymore enlightened than conservatives when it comes to matters of race.- Although I do believe that they, at least, more often or not, make an effort to try and understand us. They try not to seem as insensitive.- Folks like O'Donnell think that they can get away with saying certain things because they are on the same political team as most blacks. That would be a mistake. We are on the same team but we are not the same. We are the same as Hip Hop Mike but we are not on the same team as he is. Hip Hop Mike knows this, which is why he screams bloody murder when he gets the business from liberal whites. Anyway, he demanded an apology from O'Donnell and he got one.

..I chose a word that could be misinterpreted as a racial reference on the same night that I took to this pulpit to so righteously condemn the racist e-mails sent by new york billionaire and Republican candidate for governor, Carl Paladino is ironic. So too, that Michael Steele has yet to pass judgment on those same e-mails.

I completely understand and sympathize with the many ways in which a party chairman’s public speech is constantly constrained. i think we all know what Michael Steele would like to say about his New York candidate’s e-mails and I think we all understand why he hopes he’s never asked about them. My public speech is not similarly constrained by political considerations. I am honored that Michael Steele believes me to be the kind of person he can call to explain his hurt and politely request and expect an apology. After apologizing to him on the phone, I told him I would apologize on this program, something he did not request. I also told him that I, too, thought the interview was a lot of fun, that I enjoyed our give and take. and that I would love to do it again whenever his schedule allows. Mr. Chairman, I sincerely apologize."

Yeah OK Lawrence, if you say so.

Still I am disappointed with Hip Hop Mike, we slam liberals when they go all David Duke on him but he refuses to condemn the ignorance on his team. Go figure. But that's alright Mike, you are a republican, you are just doing what comes natural.

Finally, I have a couple of stories I would like you to comment on for me because (for professional reasons) I can't.

This one and this one. Thank you!

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