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Rahnstadt Campaign - Game Four

General Wranski has been tasked with clearing German forces off the high ground along the division's route of advance upon Rahnstadt. The Germans are well dug in, it will not be an easy assignment.
The Field Of Battle
The Initial Defenders, Reinforcements Will Be Along
Wranski's First Assault Wave
German Mortar Fire Rains Down On The Russian Scouts And Anti-Tank Gun
Meanwhile Russian Infantry And Assault Engineers Probe The German Left And Centre
Both The Studebaker And White Scout Car Are Taken Out 
Meanwhile Emboldened Russian Engineers Clear The Minefield (successfully passing two Beyond The Call Of Duty Tests
T34's Of The Russian Second Assault Wave Advance Passed The Burning Wrecks
German Reinforcements Arrive
Disaster! The Stug Is Knocked Out By A lucky Shot From The Advancing T34
A MG Team Is Taken Out By Russian 120mm Mortar Fire
Russian Infantry Mass For The Final Assault
Another Blow For The German Defenders The Pak40 Is Destroyed
The T34 Move Up For The Kill
With The Stug And Pak40 Gone Its All Down To Fausts And Schrecks
The Russians Are All In Position
Wait! The Infantry Assault Is Decimated
Don't Get Excited, There Is Only Ammo Left For One More Mortar Salvo!

Despite Repelling The Infantry Attack On Their Left The Combined HE And MG Fire From The T34s Finally Breaks The Germans Will To Continue

A narrow win for the Russians puts their points tally up to seven against the Germans three, having won two consecutive engagements the Russians will get additional support for the next game. The Germans despite having to relinquish their hold of the high ground are in high spirits having given the Russians a bloody nose, so the first numbered counter drawn in the next game will be treated has a one or nil if it is a one. 


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