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Farewell, Law and Order!

So Law and Order has now been cancelled after 20 years. Last night I watched the final episode. I confess that I am a belated Law and Order fan. I didn't really start watching it until 2005, but by then it was in syndication five nights a week so it didn't take too long before I had watched pretty much every episode!

Some characters/actors I loved; some I hated. Here's my three faves:

Detective Mike Logan (Chris Noth) -- just the right mixture of sensitive guy and surly macho!

Detective Lennie Briscoe (Jerry Orbach) -- Oh Lennie, Lennie, how I miss your cynical, wisecracking ways!

Executive Assistant District Attorney Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) -- He's the reason I started watching Law and Order in the first place. I love a good tenacious, crusading lawyer! When he got moved to the role of District Attorney a couple of years ago and got less screen time, I think the show lost its heart and soul.

And of course, the real star of the series -- that fabulous opening theme song!

Doink Doink!

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