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at the end of the year

2015 has been a relatively uneventful year. I like it that way, I like my life being predictable with no nasty surprises around the corner. Despite the normalcy of our life, there are highlights that I would like to remember. I think more than anything, this past year has been about finding ourselves, finding my place in this small community of ours and feeling comfortable with it. Friendships have blossomed and more than once a chat and a hug helped overcome the minor adverse events that dotted the year. Lets just say, I have been lucky.  

This year Richard and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary. He came to Muthaclubbers with me on our anniversary, when he would have much rather spent it in front of the telly watching some recording of the Tour de France. I know to appreciate this sacrifice!

Family holidays! We had two family holidays this year, one to Cornwall and one to London. Both were great. The city break was a fantastic experience for us. A couple of years ago, this seemed like an impossible undertaking. Four kids, a small budget and a general apathy seemed like too much to overcome. We all enjoyed our holidays very much.

Not caring so much about what other people might think of me. I tell you, more than anything this has added enjoyment to my life. 

I don't know what it is about camping, it just makes me happy. I would love to camp a lot more than we do. We went twice this year, both times with our well established camping group. We huddled together under the gazebo during downpours, we experienced a total lunar eclypse and we sat around the camp fire. It can't get much better.

Gaining new employment after a year of enforced staying at home followed by a few months of temping. It is great to have a job and although my career remains fragmented and I am not sure what direction it will take. Some days I feel optimistic that I will find my footing once more. 

I am blessed with a good relationship with my children. We often argue and we often shout. They are not perfect, and I am not perfect either. It is easy to embrace their strengths but less easy to accept their flaws. Letting the older ones spread their wings and find their own path proves challenging and I have to stop myself imposing my own strong opinions on them. I often feel overwhelmed by being a mum and I often think I don't do enough to win the mother of the year award but I know that they love me. They tell me so. 

Making a duffle coat helped me find confidence in my (sewing) abilities and it has helped me accept this body of mine. It looks a bit like a barrel but feels just like it always has, curvy and well proportioned. I am determined to make more garments that fit my body and spend less time trying to fit my body into garments that will never look good on me. 

I stopped making New Year's resolutions. It seems so random to make resolutions on this last day of the calendar year. Have a complete blowout on Hogmanay and then pay your debt after? I don't think so. Still, I have been thinking that I am currently walking on a good path and that I want to continue walking this path for a wee while longer. 

One thing though (you may call it a new year's resolution, I call it common sense): I shall try not to make excuses for the general untidiness of our house. I shall give it a good tidy up when the last child has moved out.

And now, if you will excuse me please, I have to get ready for Hogmanay. I love a good party! 

Thank you so much for visiting me throughout the year and for leaving many lovely, thoughtful, encouraging and funny comments for me to enjoy. I hope 2016 will be good for all of you! xxx

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