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Paul Hollywood's ex Summer Monteys-Fullam tends to her horses after split

Summer Monteys-Fullam has been spotted getting back to her old routine after splitting from celebrity chef Paul Hollywood amid a bitter row.

The 24-year-old beauty was tending to her beloved horses on Tuesday after moving them from the home she shared with the Great British Bake Off Star following their messy break-up.

The former barmaid also appeared to have ditched the 10k ring Paul, 53, got her as a gift, after revealing she felt 'betrayed' over Hollywood's attempts to pressurise her into signing a gagging order. 

Back to reality: Summer Monteys-Fullam was spotted getting back to her old routine on Tuesday after splitting from celebrity chef Paul Hollywood amid a bitter row
Stepping out: The former barmaid put on a brave face as she paid a visit to the field where her horses are kept

Back to reality: Summer Monteys-Fullam was spotted getting back to her old routine on Tuesday after splitting from celebrity chef Paul Hollywood amid a bitter row

Keen equestrian: The 24-year-old beauty was tending to her beloved horses after moving them from the home she shared with the Great British Bake Off Star following their messy break-up

Keen equestrian: The 24-year-old beauty was tending to her beloved horses after moving them from the home she shared with the Great British Bake Off Star following their messy break-up

On Monday, Summer hinted she was 'wasting her time with an old guy' following her break-up with the Bake Off star.  

The redhead said she felt 'betrayed' over Hollywood's attempts to pressurise her into signing a gagging order as she threatened to write a tell-all book.

She took to social media to 'like' a selection of comments criticising her ex and his actions.

One follower wrote 'Why waste your time with an old guy. You are very pretty', which Summer responded to with a heart emoji. 

Hitting out: On Monday, Summer hinted she was 'wasting her time with an old guy' following her break-up with the Bake Off star

Hitting out: On Monday, Summer hinted she was 'wasting her time with an old guy' following her break-up with the Bake Off star 

Paul Hollywood is pictured getting into his Range Rover while smoking a cigarette at the weekend

Paul Hollywood is pictured getting into his Range Rover while smoking a cigarette at the weekend

It comes after Hollywood fired the first salvo earlier on Monday, accusing the 24-year-old of selling stories to the press and hunting for fame.  

Ms Monteys-Fullam hit back in an Instagram post yesterday, insisting it was not her that leaked the story about the non-disclosure agreement. 

She also claimed that she 'felt so betrayed by the NDA, particularly with how much pressure Paul and his lawyers put me under to sign it' that she 'confided in friends and showed them the document'.

Miss Monteys-Fullam, who met him while working in Hollywood's local pub in Kent, added that she had been 'thrown under the bus' by her ex-boyfriend.

She said she pleased that the story had been published 'to warn other women about the horrendous implications these documents have'.

Summer Monteys-Fullam recently split from the Great British Bake Off star, 53, and the pair have since become embroiled in an ugly public row. This was Ms Monteys-Fullam's statement this evening
She claimed that she 'felt so betrayed by the NDA, particularly with how much pressure Paul and his lawyers put me under to sign it' that she 'confided in friends and showed them the document'

Summer Monteys-Fullam recently split from the Great British Bake Off star, 53, and the pair have since become embroiled in an ugly public row. This was Ms Monteys-Fullam's statement this evening

Miss Monteys-Fullam, who met him while working in Hollywood's local pub in Kent, added that she had been 'thrown under the bus' by her ex-boyfriend and was pleased that the story had been published
She said it would 'warn other women' about the dangers of NDAs

Miss Monteys-Fullam, who met him while working in Hollywood's local pub in Kent, added that she had been 'thrown under the bus' by her ex-boyfriend and was pleased that the story had been published

A defiant Paul Hollywood earlier spoke out for the first time after being dumped by his young girlfriend

A defiant Paul Hollywood earlier spoke out for the first time after being dumped by his young girlfriend

Summer is back home living with her mother Sabrina (pictured together on Thursday), who was landlord of the pub where the former couple met

Summer is back home living with her mother Sabrina (pictured together on Thursday), who was landlord of the pub where the former couple met

Summer is back living with her mother Sabrina and earlier admitted that the split was 'one of the hardest things I have ever done' when a fan praised her 'courage to walk away' from their relationship.

She also thanked Instagram followers who said she had 'dodged a bullet' and 'should get yourself an upgrade' after dumping Hollywood, who is being divorced by his wife of 19 years Alexandra on the grounds of adultery.

One social media follower told her 'Bl**dy hell babe!!! I bet you could write a book' - and she replied: 'Funnily enough, I'm actually really think[ing] about it after everything I have been through and am still going through'.

One fan wrote: 'Finally, an intelligent female, seeing him for what he was, TROUBLE! and getting rid. Your [sic] worth a thousand of him, huge respect for you'. She said: 'I've had so many messages of support like this and it warms my heart!'.

Yesterday, Paul posted a serious-looking selfie on Instagram and accused Summer of trying to 'dupe' the public, trying to cash-in on their split and attempting to 'play games'.  

He said: 'Thank you for your messages I've been receiving it means a lot. My silence on any matters is not a sign of weakness or agreement of what's been said, merely I prefer a quiet life away from my day job. 

Paul first met Summer while organising a birthday party for his Alex at his local pub, the Duke William, in Ickham, Kent, where she worked

Paul first met Summer while organising a birthday party for his Alex at his local pub, the Duke William, in Ickham, Kent, where she worked 

'Take what's read with a pinch of salt and read between the lines. I know the public can't be duped into believing what's out there from a person making money selling stories and continuously courting the paps.

He added: 'There's always two sides to a story you've only heard one.. but alas I don't play those games'.

One follower said: 'As a mum of three daughters I'm so glad that you have had the courage to walk away. You have strong women around you now it's time to shine.'

Summer replied: 'I am so touched Sally by your kind message. That's exactly right. This has been one of the hardest things I've ever done.' 

Hollywood, 53, split from Summer, 24, as he prepares for a divorce hearing with his estranged wife Alexandra, who threw him out claiming he had an affair with the woman 29 years his junior.

In 2013 during a stint on The American Baking Competition he had a fling with fellow TV chef Marcela Valladolid, but he apologised and his wife took him back.

Tom Amlot, a solicitor for the Great British Bake Off judge, 53, revealed Paul's dispute with Summer did involve a document gagging her from discussing their relationship.

He said: 'I asked Summer to sign an NDA as is standard practice in order to protect Paul's family and their private lives.

'Summer insisted that she had no intention of selling any stories to the press and declined.

'I think that her refusal to discuss or sign it caused concern, understandably, so it's not entirely surprising that they have gone their separate ways.'

Earlier, Ms Monteys-Fullam admitted that the split was 'one of the hardest things I have ever done'
She made the comments on social media

Earlier, Ms Monteys-Fullam admitted that the split was 'one of the hardest things I have ever done'

Revealed: Ms Monteys-Fullam's full response to Hollywood's claims  

 The barmaid wrote on Instagram this evening: 'I would like to respond to the accusations made by Paul in his recent post.

'His claims that I'm making money selling stories are totally false!

'I felt so betrayed by the NDA, particularly with how much pressure Paul and his lawyers put me under to sign it!

'I confided in friends and showed them the document. They were also horrified.

'This is obviously how it ended up in the public domain.

'Paul's lawyer Tom Amlot, a senior legal professional, pressurised me into signing a life changing document knowing that I didn't have the full understanding of what I was being asked to sign - which is scary considering the enormity of its implications!

'Don't you think?? He said it was common practice. If it is, it should be stopped!

'I felt betrayed as I had clearly demonstrated loyalty to Paul during our relationship and he knows that WITHOUT QUESTION!

'With regards to 'courting the paps' this is a baseless and ridiculous statement to make as they were a constant feature of our lives! 

'Simple tasks as going to Sainsbury's were opportunities for the paps. This was an accusation Paul has levelled at me from day one.

'He told me never to be photographed and to either drive at speed, lose or confront them with hostility!

'This made situations very tense and stressful and upsetting, resulting in the most unfavourable pics at times.

'He would be furious and shout at me and blame me if I got photographed.

'However towards the end of the relationship I adopted a different approach. I accepted it as part of our lives and went about my business.

'Paul took that as a sign that I was working with them - not true and not the same!!

'His approach / relationship with the press was hostile and negative and I didn't agree with it as it's not in my nature to be this way.

'So because we dealt with it differently, I am now being thrown under the bus. Ridiculous statements to make and Paul knows it!

'I am not upset that the story has been published as I feel it is tantamount to a public service to warn other women about the horrendous implications these documents have.'  

Last month a judge signalled the end of Hollywood's marriage to wife Alexandra, who had filed for divorce on the grounds that the celebrity baker had committed adultery.

The split comes only a fortnight after Hollywood was granted a decree nisi in his divorce from his ex-wife of 19 years, Alexandra.

She stormed out of his £1million mansion in the middle of the night, seething at his 'controlling behaviour', The Sun reported.

Miss Monteys-Fullam feared she would not be allowed to discuss their two-year romance with her friends and family.

A source close to the former barmaid told The Sun the relationship was 'over for good' after he presented her with the non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

She dramatically took her belongings from their shared home after a make-or-break discussion on Wednesday.

The NDA, drawn up by Hollywood's lawyers, stipulated that she could not discuss their sex life, Hollywood's wealth or anything about their private life, The Sun reported.

Summer, who met Paul in 2017, has reportedly moved out of his £1million mansion and is said to be left furious over his 'controlling behavior

Summer, who met Paul in 2017, has reportedly moved out of his £1million mansion and is said to be left furious over his 'controlling behavior

But she refused the demands of her older boyfriend – to whom she gives the nickname 'Cake Cake'. She told friends she believed there was no trust left in their relationship.

The 54-year old was dumped by former barmaid Monteys-Fulham, who is 30 years younger than him

The 54-year old was dumped by former barmaid Monteys-Fulham, who is 30 years younger than him

After the showdown talks on Wednesday night, Miss Monteys-Fullam was spotted moving her things back to her family home in Ickham, Kent. She even brought her dogs back to the house .

A source close to the pair told The Sun: 'Paul told Summer she needed to sign the NDA and that it was no big deal.

'He even said his mum and brothers were going to sign it and tried to underplay its significance.

'Summer flat-out said no. In the days that followed Paul got his lawyers to call Summer on her mobile to try and get her to sign it.

'For someone less strong it would have all been too much but Summer stood her ground.'

The source went on to reveal Miss Monteys-Fullam said that she has 'always known never to sign anything'.

When she discovered what she was being asked to sign, she was reportedly 'horrified' and decided 'enough was enough'.

Hollywood split with wife of 21-years Alexandra in 2017 after cheating on her twice. She is divorcing him on the grounds of adultery

Hollywood split with wife of 21-years Alexandra in 2017 after cheating on her twice. She is divorcing him on the grounds of adultery 

Paul recently spent £850,000 on a Grade II-listed mansion in February, with Miss Montrys-Fullam moving in. They immediately began renovating the home – and she moved her horses into the stables shortly after.

The three-page NDA barred Miss Monteys-Fullam from revealing 'any information (whether true or false)' about their relationship.

It covered details of his divorce, the pair's sex life and his personal wealth. She was not allowed to even disclose the existence of such an agreement.

The NDA, in which Hollywood is called PH and his lover SMF, stated: 'Neither PH nor SMF will reveal or disclose to any third party any private and confidential information about the other.

'Private information includes, but is not limited to, any information (whether true or false): about their relationship, about PH's divorce, about PH's relationship with Alex Hollywood, about either of their private lives or their sex life together; about their relationships with their friends and family or about each other's personal financial and/or business affairs.'

It goes on to warn that 'Neither PH nor SMF will reveal or disclose to any third party the fact and/or existence of this Deed and/or its terms and/or anything disclosed '.

District Judge Robert Duddridge granted a decree nisi for Hollywood's divorce in one minute last month – with neither party attending.

Court papers showed that Alexandra, 55, had filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery.

The judge held that Hollywood, 53, had committed adultery and that his wife found it 'intolerable' to live with him.

And Monteys-Fullam showed her loyalty to the TV star on the same day by wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with his name.

Daily Mail UK

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