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Acrylic applications color and feats

Well what a day AUDREY HEPBURN THURSDAY was in The Lady Cave @ Needy Nails Taupo.
Apologies for the late post! FAMILY LIFE took priority last night and I gave them the attention they needed... thank you ladies for your patience in waiting for your pics 

Firstly, welcome to new clients Kym Payton and Chez Taylor for their acrylic applications. Have a wonderful holiday in Fiji next week Kym, it was lovely meeting you.
Chez Taylor - the pleasure was all mine! A friend indeed... Live Love Laugh (o;
Cala Jane Chapman - go you with the color and feats. A big event for you in your nail choices and a shame the pic doesn't show how truly beautiful your nails are - go you good thing LOL
As per the norm, my regular faithfuls are still as gorgeous as ever (o;

Acrylic applications color and feats

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