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Shopa Launch Dinner

Shopa (19)

Social media has fundamentally changed the way we do things. From communicating, to working, and now to shopping.

Last week I was invited to the launch dinner of a new app called Shopa at the Rosewood London Hotel and if my addiction to Twitter and Instagram is anything to go by, it's set to take off too.

Shopa (1)

Shopa is a social media shopping app. You sign up and create your profile, and customize your own news feed with all the clothes, bags and shoes you love- your ultimate wish list. Then just like on Twitter and Instagram, once you follow people you like, you can see their shopping choices too. You can comment, like and share - it's a fashion bloggers dream.

Even better, is that you can buy directly through the app from all clothing sites, so no site hopping AND get this, if one of your followers buys something off your feed, you get a percentage of the price so you can buy more clothes!

Paid to be on fashion social media? It's a win win.

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Shopa (18)

To show that the app is actually a big deal, Proudlock from Made in Chelsea was on hand to explain it's power.

As the owner of Serge de Nimes clothing, Shopa is working for him as it's basically a way to spread the name to people that would have never have heard of it before. One person adds one of Serge's tops to their news feed and then their followers see it. Like Instagram it's visual, so you can instantly see what the Top looks like, and from that new fans are born.

Clever eh?

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Shopa (16)
Shopa (3)Shopa (4)
Shopa (17)

Of course the night wasn't all technicalities. As it is a social media app, Shopa wanted us to mingle and get social.

Before we took to our seats for dinner, I bumped into the ever gorgeous Eva- and she knows a thing or two about social media. Her Instagram is gorgeous.

Shopa (5)

We proceeded to sit down for a most fashionable dinner, although of course social media does tend to be on phones alot!

Phones at dinner? My mum would despair.

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The ever stylish Prince Cassius. The hair. Oh can I be in love with someones hair?

Shopa (10)

Rosewood London is one of my favorite restaurants in London. I think I must have wrote about it on this blog at least 5 times now, so apologies for the constant spiel, but it really is just divine.

We started with Confit duck terrine with figs, grapes and sour salad.

I normally ignore salads as a bit of blah on the side if I am being honest, but that salad was incredible. The mixture of figs and the sour taste was just amazing.

Shopa (11)

Which led nicely on to one of the most beautiful main course I've had in a long time. Braised beef, aubergine with Tuscany flavours and not forgetting edible flowers.

Braised beef is a risky one as it can be tough, but this was just so soft.

I maybe have also asked for extra sauce. Had to be done,

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Shopa (13)

Finally dessert was a chocolate trio. Ice cream, set mousse and chocolate caramel brittle.

So it might not help me fit into those new pants that I saw on Shopa but who cares when it tastes this good.

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Shopa (15)

If you need a little extra persuasion, think of it like fashion Pinterest, and we all know how good that is. 

Come connect with me on it here. Although I do warn you, it's going to get addictive

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