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A Day In Dubrovnik Old Town

Last week I told you all about my amazing Dubrovnik hotel find. Well, after unpacking, it was time to explore Dubrovnik itself. Or more accurately, the Old Town.

Dubrovnik dates right back to the 7th century. and sometime between then and the 13th century, the most gorgeous buildings, statues and fortress was built. 

The streets are a mixture of ramshackle buildings, winding streets, and open piazzas. If you are not careful it's so easy to get lost in the maze of sandstone buildings that all look alike. 

Of course Dubrovnik has been flung into the spotlight by a little TV show called Game of Thrones. Kings Landing is shot in Dubrovnik. 

Which if you are a fan might mean you recognition these steps...

Shame. Shame. Shame. 

That's right. These were the very steps that Cersei walked down naked. Honestly I hear so many people chanting shame as they walked down the steps. 

But for me it's what's high above the city that is most fascinating. 

For a small fee, you can head up onto the city wall and walk around. And boy is it worth it. The city is glorious from up top. You can see for miles, across those famous orange roof tiles, right to the sea. 

The city is best enjoyed at a slow, leisurely pace. I had no particular aim as to what I was doing, but that's the best part about these types of trips. It doesn't matter. So long as you're wearing comfortable shoes though!

As the wind set in, and a light bit of rain started to come down, it was time to head back to my hotel. 

Everything is doable by foot, and to be honest, with views like these, why would you want to do anything else?

During the summer months, Dubrovnik does get a fair few cruise ships, so just be prepared for it to get a little busy. 

But honestly, don't let that put you off. Dubrovnik is an absolutely stunning town, even if my visit was so brief. 

Which was because in the morning, I jumped on a very early coach headed towards Split, for the next part of my Croatian adventure.

Hold on tight, we are going sailing next!

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