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A bride’s wedding day is one of the best and most important days in her life. It’s something that many women plan from the time they’re little girls, and it can truly be a magical day. And such a perfect day should be complimented with perfect makeup, right? Follow these beauty tips, and you’ll be walking down the aisle with a face so flawless, it will overshadow the fact that the officiant mispronounced the groom’s name!

Don’t Attempt a Day-Off Fake Tan

For many brides, the biggest makeup fear that they have is that they look pasty and pale in their wedding photos. Sharing a complexion with the Pillsbury Doughboy isn’t something that most women shoot for. That’s why false tans are one of the most popular beauty undertakings that brides go for. And, while looking bronze-y and gorgeous is a great option for most, doing it day-off is never a good idea. For one, if you manage to make a mistake, then there is little or no time left to fix it. And also, orange stains on your wedding gown look worse than a pale complexion.

Take Climate Into Account

Yes, climate does play a large part in determining what kind of makeup that you need to wear. This is because your skin reacts to these changes, and the cosmetics you choose can either play into these changes or rebel…often with not-so-pretty consequences. Are you having an outdoor wedding in a hot and humid area? Then go for waterproof makeup designed to be long-lasting. Planning a wedding in winter, surrounded by snow? You need something with moisturising properties, so that the cold doesn’t dry out your skin.

Start with a Primer

Primer is a very important part of your makeup, especially for a day as important as your wedding day. Not only are most primers designed to help you start your makeup application off with the most even base possible, but it will also give it a staying power, which is a necessary part of doing wedding day makeup. Depending on the climate (like we mentioned above), you can either go with your standard primer, or you might go for something a little more heavy-duty. Whatever the case, it’s a great way to keep you looking beautiful all day! Another useful beauty tip is to go light hand on the layers of products, such as moisturiser, primer, foundation, powder, bronzer and blush. The thinner the layers – the more fresh and natural your makeup will look.

Go for Waterproof Mascara

Crying brides are a trope that most of us are well aware of. However, even the most pragmatic and dry-eyed women might find themselves with faces running with sweat, especially after the third round of the Chicken Dance. And both crying and sweating carry the same threat to your wedding day look: runny mascara and eyeliner. And there is nothing that can ruin your pictures, dress, and look as quickly as watery black makeup dripping down your face. There’s only one real way to avoid it: waterproof mascara and eyeliner! Find a brand that you like, and swipe it on. No more drama-queen eyes!

Disguise Blemishes

The days leading up to your wedding, while exciting, can also be fraught with stresses. (“Did I pay the caterer? Where are my maids getting their hair done? Will the ring bearer have a meltdown?”) And stresses, for a lot of women, mean breakouts. That’s normally a bad thing: no bride wants her wedding pictures to look like a flashback to ninth grade. But you can disguise it! Your best bet? Look for a concealer that has a green tint to it, and apply carefully. The green will cancel out the red from the blemish.

Wake Up Your Eyes

Another side-effect of wedding day stresses: not getting enough sleep. Between the bachelorette party, the rehearsal dinner, and the wedding jitters, a good night’s rest can be something that you just don’t get. But that’s no excuse for tired eyes! Your first step should be to hide the dark circles; no one should look like a raccoon in their wedding pictures. Do this by using a bit of concealer designed for this specifically, or just your normal concealer. Next, put a little bit of shimmery white eyeshadow at the inner corners of your eyes; it will definitely help make you look more awake.

For Once, More is Best

We’re not going to recommend pancake makeup here; remember our tip for thin layers of products? But, when you’re going to be on camera for a good portion of the day, you need more makeup than you would normally use. This is because the flash of the camera is more likely to wash you out. You can overcome this by going just a little heavier on some parts of your makeup than you normally would. This means your lip and eye makeup should be a little bolder than normal, while your blush should be a tiny little bit brighter. Lastly, don’t forget your eyebrows, or you might find your wedding portraits resembling the Mona Lisa.

Stop Shininess

Something else that you don’t want to resemble in your wedding pictures: a disco ball. But, if your skin becomes greasy during the day, you’re going to look like one when the photographer’s flash goes off. Thankfully, getting rid of the shine is easy enough to manage, and it’s easy to keep your face oil-free throughout the day. You can either buy some oil-blotting papers, or pick up a single coffee filter (or even a toilet seat cover, if you’re desperate). Then, just blot over the oily area. Ta-da! No more shine! Tuck some into your bag (or your groom’s pocket) for later.

Fill In Your Lips

Most women want a thick, pouty look for their wedding day. However, not all brides are lucky enough to have lips like Kylie Jenner. But, don’t worry: you can improvise! It doesn’t even take a lot to make your lips look plumper and more filled out. Start by filling in your lips with a lip pencil; it will keep the makeup in place for longer. Then, use a long-lasting lipstick (or stain) on your entire mouth. Lastly, use a lip gloss (either in a coordinating color or clear) in a heart shape over the center of your mouth. It will give the illusion of fullness.

Your wedding day should be a beautiful, magic day, one where you get to feel like a princess. With these tips, you’ll even get to look the part!

What are your favourite bridal makeup tips?

Stay beautiful!

from Beauty And Tips Magazine

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