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10 Things About Me (Blogger Tag)

So I was nominated by a lovely blogger friend Uzo of Style and Beauty Lounge to do the I0 things about me post. I’m pretty much an open book so I really had to think long and hard of things that would not be pretty obvious and I did come up with a few. If you already knew some of these about me I apologize, don’t get bored just skip on ahead to the next one. 
  1. Oh sweets, how I love thee! I have the world’s biggest sweet tooth and unfortunately I don’t peel a banana or bite into an apple to satisfy this and not feel guilty, instead I reach for the real deal. Sometimes its a pack of gum (not sugar free). I could open a pack of gum and eat it all up in 10 minutes, like back to back until its all gone. Just savoring the sweet taste. Most times its Lindt Lindor white chocolate truffles, holy cow do I love those, YUMMY! They make my sweet tooth happy and I mean very very happy! And then I feel guilty for the rest of the day. And sometimes I'd head over to my closet right afterwards to try on clothes/ see if the lbs were already creeping in. For hours in a stretch I'd do this. Down to shoes, bag, jewelry and I do get a good work out trying on clothes and strutting in front of the mirror this way. I know a million and one guilt free ways to curb or keep my sweet tooth in check but you know keeping up is such an uphill task.
  2. I once saw a poster that said “I’m not clumsy it’s just that the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies and the wall gets in the way" and I thought that is so me. I am accident prone and a big time goof ball with my 5year old clients at work (Never Grow Up). Naturally I get a cut almost on a daily basis. My kindergarteners  are constantly asking ‘you got a booboo Ms. Idu? Again?What happened? Now they are readers and some of them came up with a plan to manufacture bandaids that state what happened, that way they can just read it instead of asking me what happened and me explaining 25 times cos they are 5 and believe me when one of them asks, all of them ask. Alternatively a bubble wrap suit will work just fine. The joys of being a kindergarten teacher! Yeah yeah, call me little Miss Clumsy! I heard that, :(.
  3. I am scared of my beautiful blue eyed kitty and he knows it! We’ve gone through a few kitties and always resolve not to get another cos we love the prior so much so we feel like there’s not enough love in our hearts for another. Until we get another and we fall in love all over again. My current Kitty named Azul for his beautiful eyes as blue as the azul waters of the Mediterranean is the most playful of them all. And super playful kitties scare me cos one second we are tumbling and chasing and laughing, the next minute it's a pounce, a scratch and a bite. It's happened too many times so now I just stay away. Too scared to even initiate any kind of play. If only I spoke 'cat' I’d be able to tell him when I’m not in the mood but for the time being, I’ll try keeping a straight face, hopefully that keeps working. 
  4. 5 minute face: Much as I love makeup and do a pretty decent job of it, I do not wear makeup daily. Often times my makeup look for work is a BB cream or tinted moisturizer and lip stain for a polished look and I’m out the door. This saves me a ton of time. Usually I’m up at 4am daily to be at work at 6:30am. This gives me ample time to get everything ready for when that bell rings at 8am. That means no time for elaborate m/u in the a.m.
  5. An apple  a glass of red wine a day keeps the doctor away (like I needed a reason to sip, LOL). Wine is one of life’s great pleasures and I look forward to unwinding at the end of the day with half a glass of good port wine. Just like turning off the TV, and the phone ringer, this signals bedtime to my brain. I curl up with my Vogue and it’s snooze fest time shortly after. Nanaight world.
  6. Handy woman: I am very handy and would try to fix things myself before I call for help. And I mean stuff like fixing a broken door, I mean taking a chair apart and changing the upholstery. I mean laying tiles on the floor, I mean painting walls, I once changed my own tire on the freeway when triple A was taking too long. It felt so good. I install staircase runners, chair rails and crown moulding. My power drill and industrial stapler have to be put to use right? I just don’t do the angled cut for the corners, that’s tricky even for me. 
  7. Fear Of: I have a fear of flying and it gets extreme every once in a while. I have purchased airplane tickets and ended up not traveling because my fear of flying got the better of me. On trips I end up taking, and I travel a lot I’ve had to psyche myself up weeks prior and still have to take a relaxant or sleep pill on the day of. Let’s just say If I can drive it, I’ll drive it. I love driving and my oldest daughter always says if feels like we’re in some Hollywood movie when mommy drives. Fast and furious comes to mind, hehe. Mind you I am very careful even in the midst of all that. I also have intense fear of heights and believe it or not, a fear of water! That means I don’t swim even though I’m always the first to stock up on bathing suits every Summer. Looking pretty around the beach is allowed right?
  8. I tend to say I am introverted and a little shy. I do exhibit solitary behavior but I promise I don't hang out and hold conversations with Siri on my phone, hehe. I'm just far from outgoing and talkative rather I am quiet, reserved and keep very few friends. I am a laugh-er tho and would crack up real hard over the littlest things. I’ve been known for my laughter since I was a kid. So don’t get me started with some funny roller coaster pose or it will be hard to keep a straight face the rest of the time. I'll leave you with: 'that moment when someone is taking too long to take a picture and you're not sure what to do with your face anymore, after you've switched up your smile like five times. Dead!
  9. I think I am the worst singer ever. Only better than one person I know, hehe. To give back to my church, I once joined the church choir. Each time we were required to hold beats 4 counts for instance, I’d stop at maybe 2 cos I needed to catch my breath and not gasp for air but I'd keep my mouth hanging open so it’d look like I was singing but I really produced no sound. No, serioulsy. You have no idea how hard that was. Hilarious! I was told I needed to practice timing by breathing. Oh well. My voice was also so bad and scratchy hahahahha. I wasn’t an alto or a soprano. I was somewhere in between. I’m dying laughing typing this but it’s the truth. I also don’t read music so it was definitely the wrong ministry for me. You know I had to quit that after 1year and I’m still trying to figure out another way to give my gift of time and talent to the church. 
  10. This too shall pass is my motto in life. I don’t take things that hard or to heart. In other words, things don’t get to me or bother me that much. Not sure if it’s a good thing or bad but I like being that way. I just keep it moving regardless. It’s life, let it go, let it go (singing in my best Idina Menzel voice). Brush it off. Don't let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world. I say words to live by. Live, love and definitely laugh...

I have to nominate 3 bloggers to do this. I basically did a raffle style and picked out 3 names. So I nominate Fabulous Busola of The Fashion Stir Fry, Gorgeous Dania of Angels Wear Heels and the beautiful Valeria of Coco et La vie en Rose to do the challenge. Girls let me know when your post is up.

Keep thinking those purple thoughts and see you back soon, Xo...
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